Since the museum's foundation, replenishing the collection of minerals went hand in hand with teaching mineralogy, one of the major subjects at the Mining Institute. The seven halls showcase mineral samples collected by many generations of domestic and foreign scientists. The leading role in selecting and systematising specimens, identifying minerals, and developing expositions belonged, first of all, to the professors of mineralogy and crystallography: I.M. Renovants, P.I. Meder, D.I. Sokolov, N.I. Koksharov, P.I. Eremeev, E.S. Fedorov, A.K. Boldyrev, V.V. Chernykh, A.G. Betekhtin, D.P. Grigoriev, I.I. Shafranovsky, S.A. Rudenko, and others. Nowadays, the mineralogical collection of the museum is one of the world's largest, consisting of over 47,000 items.
Hall II. General Mineralogy
Hall III. Systematic Mineralogy. Malachite Hall
Hall IV. Systematic Mineralogy. Orthosilicates
Hall V. Systematic Mineralogy. Column Hall
Hall VI. Applied Mineralogy
Hall VII. Stone Artefacts
Cadet Hall. Temporary Exhibition Hall
Models, prototypes, and replicas of mining machinery and equipment were first brought to the museum in the 18th century, during the reign of Catherine II. Samples of new mechanisms needed for training students were either made at Russian factories or commissioned to Europe's best masters. During the 19th century, the section was enriched with numerous models from the workshops of Schroeder (Frankfurt am Main), Geyer (Clausthal, Upper Harz), Kler (Paris), and Freiberg University of Mining and Technology. University graduates made contributions to the collection, too. The museum was regularly provided with items exhibited at all-Russian and global trade fairs. Among them are showpieces from the exhibitions of 1870 in Moscow and Philadelphia, the world's fair of 1873 in Vienna, the industrial exposition of 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod, and the world's fair of 1900 in Paris. Over the last century, the collection has significantly grown. Today, by its scale, historical value, and quality of exhibits, it is unrivalled anywhere in the world.
Hall VIII. Mining & Metallurgy Hall
Part 1. Drilling
Part 2. Engines
Part 3. Mining
Part 4. Rock Mechanics
Part 5. Enrichment
Part 6. Metallurgy
Various art objects from cast iron, bronze and tin, metal tools, and household items are displayed in this hall. Of particular interest are the bronze medals showcasing the history of the development of the mining industry. The unique samples of bulat steel manufactured by Pavel Anosov in the 19th century are by no means of less interest. Many of the items in this hall witnessed the triumphal successes of Russia's manufacturing industries at international and all-Russian exhibitions.
Hall IX. Ironwork Hall
The collection occupies ten halls and comprises over 177,000 items. The objects on display are distributed over the thematic areas: palaeontology, petrography, dynamic geology, and Russia's natural resources. The geology section mainly owes to the Russian Geological Assembly established by Konstantin Chevkin. In 1866 it was housed in the rooms that had served as dortours for the pupils of the Mining Institute.
Hall XI. Historical Geology. Quaternary
Hall XII. Historical Geology
Hall XIII. Vertebrate Palaeontology
Hall XIV. Geology Club Hall
Hall XV. Meteorites
Hall XVI. Dynamic Geology
Hall XVII. Russia's Natural Resources
Hall XVIII. Geology of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast
Hall XX. Petrography

Deputy Director
Tel: (812) 321 40 82
Organising excursions and field trips. Museum's geology club for schoolchildren

Deputy Director for Science and Education
Tel: (812) 328 84 52
Conducting scientific research, cooperation with student research societies

Chief Curator
Tel: (812) 328 82 87
On matters of donation of exhibits